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from the river to the sea

it didnt start on october 7th 2023

The martyr Kareem Mohammed Abu Shamala

His father wrote: "Tomorrow, November 5th, marks Kareem's ninth birthday. How Kareem had been looking forward to this day for three months, counting the days. He invited all his friends and his cousins a while ago, saying, 'I want to have a big party.' Just two hours before his martyrdom, while we were having lunch, he said to me, 'Ten days until my birthday.' 

What keeps me patient is knowing that you, Kareem, are in heaven with your grandfather, Samir, your grandmother, Aziza, your uncle, Ayman, and his wife and children—Samir, Yamen, Mira, Aboud—alongside your cousin, Hussein, his mother, your uncle, Ismail, with his wife, Mohammed, Zeina, your uncle, Ahmed, along with your friends, Aksu, Youssef, Lara, Saleh, your uncle, Habib, your friend, Ibrahim, alongside your aunt, Rula, your aunt, Leena, and your cousin, Wisam. Now you can celebrate your birthday in heaven with them, all happy, away from this dark world. Take gifts, Kareem, and toys as you wish. You can play billiards and PlayStation comfortably, and I won't tell you as usual, 'That's enough playing, go to sleep.' Happy birthday, my dear.

Your brother, Samir, sends his regards and always asks about you. Your mother talks to your pictures every night. Come and enhance our dreams. But tell your grandfather, Samir, before he asks where you went, 'May God make it easy for you, my dear.'"


